Lions KidSight USA in Connecticut
If you could save a child’s sight with the press of a button, wouldn’t you?
That’s the idea behind Lions KidSight USA, a new national initiative announced by Lions in the United States. Lions KidSight USA was KidSight Screening with Welch Allyn SPOTlaunched to help ensure that children between the ages of six months and six years receive vision screening and professional follow-up care when needed.
According to educational experts, 80% of learning is visual. So if a child can’t see well, he can’t learn well. Yet most young children don’t get their vision screened until they have problems learning or paying attention in school. By then, it may already be too late. Unless vision problems are detected early and corrected, they risk becoming permanent by age 7.
Lions in the USA already screen more than 500,000 kids per year through state-wide and local programs often known as “KidSight.” Lions KidSight USA is a national coalition that brings together Lions programs that screen kids from 6 months to 6 years of age in order create a coordinated national program.
Lions KidSight USA in Connecticut is supported by the Connecticut Lions Eye Research Foundation, the Lions of Connecticut, and all three of our Lions Districts.
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